Mission and Outreach Teams
The mission of this church is to follow the Biblical teachings of Jesus and give hungry people food, thirsty people a drink of water, pray for hurting people and extend a warm welcome to lonely people. The following Care Teams have been designed to help people and meet their needs. God can use new volunteers in any of these outreach teams so if you have an interest in anyway, contact the team coordinator.
Upcoming Events
May 4, 2024 7:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Garage/Bake/Plant Sale Proceeds to benefit Scholarship Fund and Missions
November 9, 2024 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Lord’s Acre Proceeds to benefit Missions
Big Blue Box
Our church family is collecting donated items for the Lake Area Shared Ministries (LASM). There is a large blue box in the church foyer to place your items. The current focus for collected items are toiletry products and a list of needed items is posted next to the box.
Prayer Quilt Ministry
Everybody is on this team! There are many people we know and love that are hurting and need God’s healing touch. These quilts are sewn and placed in worship where prayer knots are tied. There is nothing magical about a prayer quilt but it does show the support of the church family through the ministry of prayer. Not only does the quilt show the support of the church but communicates the “comfort” of God’s love.
Quinlan Methodist Women
This organization is devoted to mission involving women, youth and children. The group meets the 1st Tuesday at 11:30 a.m.. to grow in fellowship and in the spirit while reaching out locally and globally through mission.
For further information on any of these teams, please call Lynda Ehlers 214-789-1598